daily journal

Well, I'm going to try and do this every day but we'll see how well I do. This is basically to make notes about things I forgot or things I screwed up, but also maybe just things I'm doing to try to prolong my good health.

So one of the things I screwed up the other day was making coffee. I forgot to put the filter part in and I screwed the top on my AeroPress and so that made kind of a mess. I think that is the second time I've screwed up something like that. Twice I was making eggs and put the egg in the wrong thing (maybe in the oatmeal). I can't remember where I put it the other time. I think I put it in with some sugar or something. Anyways, I quickly realized it was like what the hell did I do that for. I don't know why but that's not normal and I don't think I'm ever done it before. At least not that I can remember but I don't make eggs that often. That's it for today. Today is May 25th, 2023.

Today is May 26th. When I was back in Colorado in April, I twice made mistakes driving that got me partially lost. The first one was coming back from Denver and I took the wrong exit at Broomfield. It took me a while to sort out how to get back on 36. The other was I missed the turn from Arapahoe to 95th.  
Yesterday I watched a couple of pretty decent movies, "She Said" and "The Edge of Seventeen". I always seem to like coming-of-age stories. If you ever get a chance I highly recommend the series Sex Education. I found it quite funny. My other strange addiction over the last year or so is KDramas. They are pretty much fluff pieces. I was supposed to go for a bike ride yesterday but it rained. On the 24th 

On May 24th I did my first strength training in a long time. Ugghh. I have a lot of work to do to get back in shape.
My diet update: I'm eating regularly 4 days a week and fasting on the other 3 days (a small protein drink on those days). On the days I eat regularly I have been having oatmeal with blueberries or apple - no sugar. Rice and beans for one meal are made with onion, garlic, and tomatoes. An omelet of 4 eggs made with very little cheese (~20 grams), yellow pepper, serrano pepper, spinach or chard, and garlic. I use olive oil, not butter. I may add a little bit of tomato. Some whole grain toast with peanut butter, but I'll probably drop that since I finished the peanut butter. 
On non-fasting days I will eat 2-3 pieces of fruit. I usually have an apple, maybe an orange, and perhaps some grapes. Some days I also have some salad and perhaps some broccoli.
I've quit eating wheat-based pasta. If I find some chickpea pasta I may add that back in. 
One thing I should note is that I've dropped sugar from my diet. So I generally eat 4 times a week. On the other days, I only have some protein mix.  I'm still drinking a couple of bottles of wine a week, but will probably change that to one bottle.
May 27th 
Today was a dive day and I screwed up a bit. On the first dive, I pressed the inflate button instead of the deflate button when I tried to do the initial descent, and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong till Ramon came over. I don't typically use the deflate button, because my other BCD has a string I can just pull to release the air. 
Also, last night I got up for a bit and when going back to bed, only one butt cheek ended up on the floor. Ouch.  I definitely feel over the last couple of years that I have become a little bit more clumsy. Also, over the last few months, I've been noticing visual hallucinations where I think I see something in my peripheral vision. It is not anything specific. When I direct my vision there I see nothing special. 
Today was a fasting day.
May 28th. My sleep is still erratic. I'm having a bad case of insomnia these days and I know I need to be getting more deep sleep.  
Exercise: I did a bit of strength training. I still need to do a bit more for my legs and should do some core work. Tomorrow, I need to get a bike ride in. 
Food: Today I had an apple, grapes, oatmeal with blueberries, soy milk, and a couple of glasses of wine. a couple of protein drinks. For regular meals, I had some rice and beans (finished the last of that batch),  an omelet with Swiss Chard, yellow pepper, serrano pepper, a little bit of cheese, onion, and garlic. For the side dish, I had broccoli.  I love cooking broccoli in my Instapot. It keeps it nice and hot. I typically use a little lemon and olive oil for flavoring. I wish brussels sprouts were as cheap as broccoli here.
Spanish: I was pretty focused on this today, but then research for my trip to the 'stans is still lacking.
May 29th
I again could not get to sleep easily, but after waking up around 8 I was able to back to sleep and got a decent abount of Deep Sleep according to my Garmin Descent Watch.
Fasting today. Going forward I will try to fast on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Resistance workouts will be Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  I will try to do at least a short bike ride on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. On one of those days I will try to do a long bike ride of 20-40 miles. Well I got in a short ride for about 30 minutes. 
Everyday I'm studing spanish. Some days are better than others.
May 30th
Still some insomnia, but a bit better sleep. I woke up at 7:45 am. 
I did some resistance training today. Performance was a bit down today
May 31st. I woke up at 8:30  I hope I get my tennis raquet today.  Ugghh They couldn't find the apartment. I wish they would just call when they arrive.
June 1st. Good sleep last night especially deep sleep.


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