daily journal
Well, I'm going to try and do this every day but we'll see how well I do. This is basically to make notes about things I forgot or things I screwed up, but also maybe just things I'm doing to try to prolong my good health. So one of the things I screwed up the other day was making coffee. I forgot to put the filter part in and I screwed the top on my AeroPress and so that made kind of a mess. I think that is the second time I've screwed up something like that. Twice I was making eggs and put the egg in the wrong thing (maybe in the oatmeal). I can't remember where I put it the other time. I think I put it in with some sugar or something. Anyways, I quickly realized it was like what the hell did I do that for. I don't know why but that's not normal and I don't think I'm ever done it before. At least not that I can remember but I don't make eggs that often. That's it for today. Today is May 25th, 2023. Today is May 26th. When I was back in Colo...